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pytest Command Line Parameters

The pytest-libiio plugin extends the pytest cli with a few options to help with debugging tests, accessing specific hardware, and adding hardware maps between drivers and tests.

Available CLI options

$ pytest -h
  --uri=URI             Set libiio URI to utilize
  --scan-verbose        Print info of found contexts when
  --adi-hw-map          Use ADI hardware map to determine
                        hardware names based on context drivers
                        Path to custom hardware map for drivers
  --hw=HW_SELECT        Define hardware name of provided URI.
                        Will ignore scan information and
                        requires input URI argument
  --skip-scan           Skip avahi scan. This is usually used
                        within CI.
  --emu                 Enable context emulation with iio-emu.
  --emu-xml=EMU_XML     Path or name of built-in XML for back-
                        end context
                        Path to folder with XML files for back-
                        end context
  --telm                Enable hardware telemetry collection on
                        each test
                        Folder to store telemetry data


When --uri=<input uri> is used, scanning is skipped and that URI is checked for a context. The URI can be in any form supported by the installed version of libiio:

  • Network: ip:
  • USB: usb:1.2.3 or usb:
  • Local: local:
  • Serial: serial:/dev/ttyUSB0,115200

When a URI is not supplied a scan is performed and all found contexts are used to determine which tests to enable.

Hardware maps

pytest-libiio allows tests to be filtered based on markers with specific hardware maps. These maps are essentially a list of IIO device names and attributes which make up or identify a specific platform or board. These are defined in a yaml file which will have contents similar to the one below:

  - adm1177
  - ad9361-phy
  - cf-ad9361-lpc,2
  - ad9361-phy
  - cf-ad9361-lpc,2
  - ctx_attr:
    - hw_model: Analog Devices PlutoSDR Rev.C
  - ad9361-phy
  - ad9361-phy-b
  - cf-ad9361-lpc,8

These are arranged in the form:

<platform name>:
  - <driver 1>,<number of channels of driver 1 (optional)>
  - <driver 2>,<number of channels of driver 2 (optional)>
  - ctx_attr:
    - <context attribute name>: <value>

When the decorator @pytest.mark.iio_hardware(hardware) is used, any tests using this decorator will be used where hardware is a string or list of strings that match anything in the hardware map. Otherwise the test is filtered. Note that contexts must be found with matching hardware for the test to not be filtered as well.

By default, all devices are labeled as unknown if no map exists or they are not found in the current map. If the decorator is not used, the test will not be filtered based on these criteria.

When the flag --adi-hw-map is used the provided map from plugin itself is used. Alternatively, a custom map can be used by supply the path with --custom-hw-map=<path to yaml>.

If the flag --hw= is used the hardware map is ignored and the provided URI is defined as that hardware. This is handy if you do not want to create a custom map or are debugging. Note that --hw is only applicable when --uri is also used.


When the flag --telm is used, hardware telemetry is collected on each test. This enables a fixture that is autouse, meaning it is automatically used by all tests. The telemetry is collected in a folder defined by --telm-data-folder=<path>. The folder is created if it does not exist. Telemetry data is stored in individual files that are specific to a URI. So after a test suite run there should one file for every hardware platform under test. The test files are generated at pickle files and contain different metadata. This is primarily just IIO based information. However, if the optional SSH dependency is installed, additional metadata is collected from the target hardware if it uses an IP context.